
Provide leadership for the whole work of the Crossroads Presbyterian Church. Preaching the Word of God, teaching the Scriptures, leading the development of ministries, providing pastoral care and spiritual direction, and overseeing administrative functions.

Worship Leadership:  

Plan and coordinate the preaching and worship ministry of the church.  Lead monthly observances of the Lord’s Supper and Sacrament of the Baptism as needed.  Serve as primary preacher on Sunday mornings.  Meet monthly with the music team to coordinate special seasonal worship services.  Prepare masters for the weekly worship bulletin.

Teaching Ministry:

 Plan and teach one of the two weekly adult Sunday School classes; plan and teach the monthly First Wednesday Bible Studies (Sept. – June).  Assist the Christian Education Elder with selection of curriculum for all ages.  Assist the Youth Elder with preparation and curriculum selection for Confirmation Classes.  Provide baptismal instruction to parents as needed.  Plan and teach the annual New Elder preparation classes after election and before Session examination.  Assist the Youth Director with curriculum selection.  Assist VBS Director with curriculum selection and worship leadership during VBS.  Serve as and provide resources for the church’s teaching ministries.


Prepare the weekly bulletin announcements insert.  Coordinate with the newsletter editor for announcements and publicity concerning congregational events and activities.  Forward prayer requests and updates to the church email list as needed.  Update sermon files (written and recorded) for the church website.  Coordinate the church activity calendar.  Assist the Outreach Committee Elder(s) with information for advertising church events in local media.


Prepare the agenda and moderate the monthly (Aug. – May) Session meetings.  Call and moderate called meetings of the Session as needed.  Review financial information and place in the weekly bulletin announcements.  Coordinate the work of the various church committees, providing direction, insight and evaluation of activities and processes.   Prepare the agenda and serve as Moderator for meetings of the Congregation.

Pastoral Care:

Visit the sick in the hospital.  Provide pre-martial counseling for those to be married.  Provide wedding and funeral services as requested.  Provide short-term counseling as requested.  Provide counseling and spiritual direction by telephone or via electronic communications.  Be available and responsive to crisis situations.