The FCOA Food Pantry is a nonprofit faith based alliance of nine local churches serving clients in the counties of Collin, Grayson, Fannin, and Hunt.
The Food Pantry is located at 15642 Hwy 160, Blue Ridge, Texas  75424

Four Corners Outreach Alliance


In the spring of 2012 eight local churches came together to organize Four Corners Outreach Alliance, a ministry aimed at assisting area residents in need. The first goal of the Alliance was to establish a Food Pantry. The old fellowship building of Crossroads Presbyterian Church was sitting empty and unused since Crossroads had recently moved to a new location nearby. This building was determined to be quite suitable for a food pantry and the Alliance leased the building from Crossroads for the princely sum of $1.00 per year.

The Four Corners Outreach Alliance Food Pantry dedication service was held on September 9, 2012 and the pantry opened its doors to the general public on Monday, September 10, 2012.



The pantry is staffed entirely by volunteers. There are no paid employees and it is supported by contributions from individuals, churches, and businesses. The Board of Directors is comprised of one representative from each of the member churches. Affiliate Membership is available to companies or individuals. Officers are elected annually from the board members and consist of a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The regular board meeting is held every other month and other meetings are held as necessary.

Four Corners Outreach Alliance is a Non-Profit 501(c) tax exempt organization recognized by the State of Texas and by the Internal Revenue Service. FCOA is a member of Feed America through its association with the North Texas Food Bank.
The nine churches comprising the Alliance are:
   Blue Ridge First United Methodist
   West Shady Grove Baptist
   Trenton First United Methodist
   Crossroads Presbyterian
   Tom Bean First United Methodist
   Peace Tabernacle
   Anna First United Methodist
   Pike Baptist
   Westminster Baptist


The pantry is open to residents of Collin, Grayson, Hunt, and Fannin Counties every Monday (excluding holidays) from 9:00AM to 11:00AM and on the third Saturday of the month from 10:00AM to 12:00PM. Clients are admitted to a waiting area where they are assigned a number on a first come, first served basis. First time clients complete an application for assistance that verifies that they are eligible for services based on the State of Texas guidelines. Repeat clients are signed in and their paperwork is checked to verify that their information on file is current and up to date. Required documents include proof of residence (water bill, electric bill), current drivers license or state issued Photo ID, and birth certificate or school records for each child. First time clients are allowed to shop even if they do not have all the required documentation but must present the documents on their next visit. Visits are limited to once a month.

When a client’s number is called, they are given a shopping cart and allowed to select the items that their family needs. The shopping area is arranged in a grocery store type environment. Items are organized into limited weight (limit 15 pounds/family member) and free weight categories. The allowed weight is subject to change based on the availability of food. Free weight items consist of meat, eggs, cheese, bread , pastries, snacks, and produce.

Only four clients at a time are allowed into the shopping area because of space limitations. Volunteers are available to answer questions and help those clients needing assistance.

Four Corners Food Pantry serves clients regardless of race, creed or religion.


Food Sources

Food is obtained by donations from individuals, churches, local grocery stores, area food drives, and through the North Texas Food Bank. Food is purchased when other sources are insufficient to meet the needs. Shipments are received on Tuesday through Friday. Volunteers drive to the participating grocery stores and deliver the donations to the pantry where other volunteers unload, weigh, mark, sort, and stock the items. North Texas Food Bank deliveries are on Tuesday and are delivered by a NTFB truck to a nearby location and are unloaded and delivered to the pantry for processing.



Volunteers are always needed and welcomed. On the days that the pantry is open, volunteers are needed to process paperwork, welcome clients, assist with shopping, monitor and restock shelves as needed, weigh-out and pack items, help with carry-out, and clean-up after closing.

On the food receiving days, volunteers are needed to drive and pickup donations, unload, weigh, mark, sort, and stock food items.

For those unable to serve as volunteers, prayers and monetary donations are always welcomed.
What Type of Food is Needed?
The Four Corners Alliance Food Pantry is in CONTINUAL need of the following items (please donate in small, plastic containers if possible, to minimize weight):
Peanut Butter
Vienna Sausages 
Tomato Sauce
Canned Veggies
Pancake Mix
Corn Meal Mix
Ramen Noodles
Spaghetti Sauce
Hot Dogs
Cooking Oil
Paper Bags